Secrets Revealed | Experts Issue a Food Warning that causes “Rapid” Brain Degradation in a month!

Dementia is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by a loss of communication between brain cells, which ultimately leads to memory loss.

A growing body of evidence shows that lifestyle habits are powerful determinants of amnesia, and researchers have now highlighted foods that should be avoided at all costs.

Numerous studies have found that diet is necessary to reduce the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia. It has long been known that diets focusing on omega 3 are optimal for brain health.

In a new study, researchers highlighted the harmful effects of consuming manufactured foods and warned that they could cause “significant memory deficits” in as little as four weeks.

New research has highlighted the protective effects of omega 3 on the brain, explaining that it almost completely reduces the inflammatory effects associated with dementia in older rats.

The findings, published in the journal Brain Behavior and Intelligence, suggest that omega 3DHA may resist the inflammatory effects of manufactured foods.

The team cautioned against manufactured foods for brain health, explaining that brain inflammation occurred only four weeks after eating refined foods.


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